A Detailed Guide to Why Websites Are So Expensive

a detailed guide to why websites are so expensive

If you’ve ever looked into the cost of web design, you must have been surprised by how high the prices go. Though domain costs of a website are cheap, there’s a lot more going into making a website stand out, which increases the costs. For example, marketing, design, and social media management, as well as a variety of other fees, can add up to a significant cost for a website.

With that being said, continue reading to learn more about why websites are so expensive and what goes into creating the ideal web page.

What Goes Into Creating The Most Expensive Websites?

Before discussing why websites are so expensive, we need to understand the difference between an excellent and a mediocre website.

There’s a lot that can alter your SEO ranking. There’s no singular factor determining the quality of a web page. And, though cheaper options can sometimes achieve the same results, they’re a lot riskier to invest in.

You can get cost-effective websites made. But, they might be challenging to navigate, take too long to load, or not provide crucial information to your readers, among many other things. In particular, the most notable trait of a sub-par website is impracticality. Users never want to come to a website with poorly communicated ideas, restrictive device access, or bad SEO ranking.

In contrast, the most expensive websites are those that are simple to navigate, have easy access, are mobile-friendly, and load quickly. So, if you’re asking why these websites are so expensive, you should know that they do all of your marketing.

Reasons for Websites Being Expensive

That being said, it’s about time we discuss why websites are so expensive when working with a development or marketing firm. Read on to learn more about these reasons in detail:


As brushed upon earlier, functionality is a crucial aspect of an expensive website. It determines the interactions a web page would have with its visitors. And it makes or breaks a user’s experience.

As simplistic as a social status board, checkout feature, or calendar may seem, these are all applications that require experienced professionals to create. You’d have to put in a lot of effort, especially if you’re building these features from the ground up, to keep improving their accessibility and simplicity.

Professional Planning

The most expensive websites would have proper planning as an integral factor for their success. You need to think about specific functions that work well with your website. These could be login forms, account creation, contact forms, etc.

Premium web pages would account for these functions before they’re made; this is why websites are so expensive. Experienced designers, content creators, or developers understand your requirements and help fulfil them to their best abilities. They would take their time to figure out how your website interacts with users and plan for any challenges before they occur.

Higher Expectations

People demand content management, a range of options, and customizations as websites expand in popularity. In consequence, the only way to meet these expectations is to create expensive websites, as cost-effective options fall short in one or more areas.

Users would expect responsive design, personalization, or highly-interactive functionality. These all have complex requirements and standards much higher than the initial startup. They require experience that takes effort to code, refine, test, and plan. And this time and consideration are among the primary reasons why websites are so expensive.

Custom Designs

custom designs
When you have a growing business, you need to make sure that you stand out amongst a sea of competitors. Expensive websites accomplish this by customizing a lot of their design. Most small businesses would use a pre-designed template or scheme. Though there’s nothing wrong with this, templates are a great way to save money and time.

The reason why most established websites are so expensive is that they customize their templates. The owners would put about 5 to 10 hours of effort into designing a single web page. And by multiplying this time by the hourly rate of a designer, you can get a basic idea of why websites are so expensive.

Long Term SEO and Support

long term seo and support
Another aspect that the most expensive websites plan for is longevity. If you’re investing that much into a website, it’d only make sense to ensure that it lasts. For this, established businesses would hire aftercare services or support. This help isn’t usually available through friends or freelancers. You’d have to hire whole support teams with future-proofing features set in place.


In the modern world, cybercrime is more prevalent than ever before. It can cause the loss of vital data, web pages, or even sources of income. Every day a website is exposed to a security breach, resulting in the exposure of thousands of people’s private information.

This treat is only amplified with larger businesses. The potential of getting hacked means that you could lose all of your customer’s data and their trust. Plus, if the security of a web page is compromised, it won’t even appear on search pages to get visitors and make money until the problem is resolved.

So, to get around this, the most expensive websites would invest a lot into web security. This helps protect the web page from potential hackers. These measures would aim to locate and fix any vulnerability in your defense.

Though sizeable websites are more common targets, the reality is that there are no websites that are too small to hack. Cybercriminals would target anything. Hence, it’s worth ensuring your website is protected before getting customers, subscribers, or visitors.


If you don’t create your own content, this can be a leading reason why your website is so expensive. For a modern business’ standard, these web pages need a strong foundation in high-performance SEO. This includes software for competitor analysis, higher-ranking keywords, and top-notch research. These services alone could cost $300 to $500 a month.

Besides that, writing and editing are also growing reasons why websites are so expensive. It can cost you a large sum to have premium content to meet Google’s SEO standard. But, if invested during the early stages of your business, it can save you a lot more money in the long run by ensuring your website’s popularity by means of quality content.

What Should A Website Be For?

In the end, you need a website for your organization or company that tells a story; your story. Websites are the ultimate place for that story to exist, and this is a leading reason why they’re so expensive. Companies could use these web pages to convey information, whereas others could just have a new service or product to promote.

Other than that, the most expensive websites would also collect information. Whether it’s a lunch order, email, or even your name, everything can be an opportunity for the web to interact with users. This provides a hub for individuals to connect with others, promoting a virtual environment for sharing transactions, collecting material, gathering information, and similar activities.

The Bottom Line

With all being said, if you’re looking for affordable websites, why look any further? At Arturo digital, we enable concepts that boost your brand image. We handle all aspects of design, marketing, and strategy. You’ll never have to wonder why websites are so expensive with our affordable price.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today to get the quality of the most expensive website without ever paying as much.

Arturo Digital

Arturo Digital – An American technology firm providing Mobile Application Development, Website Development, Large/Small Ecommerce Stores, Website Portal Development & Digital Marketing Solutions for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Future Technologists alike. 

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