How to Add A Pop-up in WordPress for Your Website

how to make a pop-up for your website in wordpress

Making a pop-up notification for a client’s website is one of the most popular updates they request from us. A pop-up is a useful tool to communicate essential information to your users, particularly when it is more crucial than ever to keep your people informed. But how to add a pop-up in WordPress?

WordPress Pop-up forms receive more clicks than other advertising formats. There is evidence that they can increase subscription rates by as much as 86%. They can increase email subscription rates and deliver results for opt-in forms on a scale of 1000%+ without alienating viewers.

Pop-ups may be powerful advertising that motivates the reader to interact when they are used properly. In this article, we’ll show you how to add a pop-up window in WordPress so you can simultaneously increase click-through rates and subscription rates. Let’s get going!

How to Add A Pop-up in WordPress

You can build pop-ups for your website using several different plugins and social media pop-up makers. Please create a backup of your WordPress site before you make changes. A backup is a copy of your website that you may reload to return to its previous state before modifications were made. The following steps will answer how to add a pop-up in WordPress once you have a backup.

Step 1: Add the Popup Maker Plugin

add the popup maker plugin
The first step to counter how to add a pop-up in WordPress is adding a pop-up maker plugin. You can scroll down to the Plugins section of the WordPress dashboard; when you hover over it, a side menu with an additional plugin option appears. To access the whole catalog of WordPress plugins, click here. Enter “pop-up” into the search field. There are numerous solutions open to you, as you’ll discover. We continue to use Popup Maker, but you should ensure the plugin is compatible with your WordPress version. If you choose to use a different plugin, double-check to see how many ratings it has and how frequently it has been updated. Normally, we avoid using plugins that last had an update over a month ago. Once you’ve decided, click the install now button, then turn the plugin on.

Step 2: Create Your Message

Creating a message is the second step to counter how to add a pop-up in WordPress. When you’re ready to create the pop-up, click Add Popup, assuming you choose Popup Maker. You’ll be brought to a screen that resembles the one you’d use to write a blog article. Any message you want to appear in the pop-up can be typed here. If you choose, you may also include images and links. When you’ve finished creating the message, it’s time to adjust the pop-up settings to function flawlessly.

Step 3: Trigger Settings

The trigger and targeting settings are the two most crucial components when answering how to add a pop-up in WordPress. Triggers determine when the pop-up is shown. The time delay trigger/auto open and then click to open trigger will be the two triggers you will use the most. If you want the pop-up to display instantly or after a particular period when a user visits a page, you will choose the time delay trigger. These work best when displaying exclusive offers or opt-in messages. Click-to-open triggers function just as they sound; when a user clicks a link or button, the trigger is pulled up. This is a fantastic technique to add more information to a website without clogging the design. If you’d like, you can have the identical pop-up in two distinct locations and both kinds of triggers.

Step 4: Target Settings

How to add a pop-up in WordPress and target a certain audience? The targeting options allow you to direct the pop-up to a certain area where you want your users to see it. You should make this the homepage if you have important news to share. You could set the target as any of your blog posts if you want users visiting your website to subscribe to your newsletter. Targets are a great way to predict where your pop-up will be seen and be most effective at doing what you want.

Step 5: Add Cookies

add cookies
The last step to complete the query of how to add a pop-up in WordPress is adding cookies. This is an important step if you want to avoid your pop-up appearing for returning users. You can specify when the cookie is set by using the Popup Maker plugin; it may happen when the pop-up is opened, closed, or at a different time. Additionally, a cookie with a month-long expiration date and a name will be set automatically. Your pop-up is ready to be published once you’ve configured your cookie settings!

Benefits of Using A Pop-up

If you choose contemporary ones (like modal pop-ups) and use them wisely, pop-ups can help you in numerous ways, from informing users to raising conversion rates. We will now briefly discuss the advantages of employing current pop-ups in the following areas:

  • Captivate users 50% faster than banner advertising – (Campaign Monitor)
  • Give a helpful approach to display a message or notification when it is important.
  • Boost user engagement by increasing click-through and conversion rates.
  • Allow you to display marketing or adverts that users cannot avoid
  • Aid in boosting your revenue, subscriber base, website traffic, and session length
  • Allow users to provide feedback and for you to gather their information.
  • They have a high return on investment (ROI) since they are economical


To make your brand website as effective as possible and provide explosive results, Arturo Digital offers you the best team. With the help of our team’s expertise in WordPress pop-up plugins, you’ll have a fantastic opportunity to target your buyer persona using demographics, user behavior, and geographic segmentation to display extremely effective pop-ups. Arturo Digital is your one-stop shop and the best option for all your needs. Get in touch with us to achieve higher and unprecedented conversion rates for your website. Our experts will construct the WordPress pop-up of your choice and include the required circumstances or events.

Read more: Website Redesign Checklist for Your Business In 2022

Arturo Digital

Arturo Digital – An American technology firm providing Mobile Application Development, Website Development, Large/Small Ecommerce Stores, Website Portal Development & Digital Marketing Solutions for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Future Technologists alike. 

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